George Clooney regala l’anello di fidanzamento alla Canalis

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Ebbene sì, a dispetto dei malpensanti e della stampa francese che ha interpretato la riservatezza della coppia ClooneyCanalis come una liason costruita a tavolino e priva di ogni sentimento, beh, una novità c’è e pure succosa.

Lettori cari, Elisabetta è radiosa tant’è che più o meno due giorni fa sfoggiava a Roma, nei pressi dell’Altare della Patria, un anello di fidanzamento super ‘luccicoso’ all’anulare sinistro.

George, dunque, avrebbe deciso di far contenta la sua bella e di portarla all’altare. Quale miglior modo di dimostrarle amore se non offrendole un anello Damiani in platino?

Visto che ci accontentiamo di poco, mandateci almeno le bomboniere. E tanti auguri!

Commenti (2)

  1. 9 February 2011
    Sources close to George Clooney announced today that back in early December, he ended a publicity agreement he had with Elisabetta Canalis. The agreement had lasted for nearly a year and a half, with the two having attended numerous events together during that time.
    A friend of the actor said that the end of Clooney’s agreement with Canalis had been coming for a long time, and that ultimately, it was Canalis’s dishonesty that pushed things well past the breaking point. “George is basically an honest person. When he entered into this agreement with Canalis, he saw it only as a publicity tool. He never planned to talk about the relationship, since in reality there never was a relationship other than in a business sense. Canalis took things to a level George never expected, talking about the relationship in interviews as if it were real. Her lies gradually escalated to the point of even lying about George’s beloved father. George never anticipated or intended for anyone to be hurt due to his publicity arrangement with Canalis, but he now realizes that people he cares about were hurt. George feels terrible that his friends and loved ones have been affected by what was supposed to be a simple arrangement of making public appearances together.”

  2. pesce d’aprile!

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